Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Undead Bar Staff

Good evening!

This is part of a piece I have been working on about the Undead. I will post the more as we approach publication day! Hopefully it just goes to show that Zombies come in all shapes and sizes.
I am aware of lots of little problems with it that need tweaking, but I hope you like her regardless!


...and here's one that I played about with in Photoshop (please note- I don't normally colour digitally so it's still a skill I need to develop!)


  1. Reminds of a zombie britney spears...

  2. Zombies!!!!....Hooters!!! Actually the Hooters girls don't look as nice as this...
    I dunno Che, reminds me more of Britney Spears in her 'head shaving' stage


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