Saturday, 23 May 2009


Good evening!

Just a short note to bring to the collective attention that I have a t-shirt design here, for your voting pleasure. If you like it, that is. I personally love the dancing robot that's featured in the same list. He's adorable! (And you can see what I am talking about here!)
Also, you may have noticed, I finally have something on sale in my Etsy shop! It's been a long time coming, but I have been jolly busy! There will be plenty more coming soon.



  1. Tee-shirts!!!!
    I ♥ Tee-shirts!!!!
    My Dad is a screen printer so I am lucky enough, to have a huge range of my own designs on Tees.

    I love both the tee-shirt designs so much the rat is awesome, and the robot is so cute!!!

  2. Haha, hello! Thanks very much! And I agree, the robot is so fun! Wow, you are lucky being able to wear lots of your own designs. I can imagine your drawings work well!

  3. lol...that rockin rat works soo well on that T. nice1.

  4. I voted for t-shirt! I've added one of my designs as well, rock on....excellent (Bill and Ted tune)

  5. Haha ex-cellent! (Insert Wayne's World Guitar riff). Thankyou, I'll vote for yours, too!

  6. as always very impressed, and inspired.....u motivate me lady....and u know i voted.:)

  7. thankyou always im impressed and inspired by your work.thanks for all your encouragement. ....and of course ive voted for a t-shirt.the best one of course.hehe xxx


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