Thursday, 18 October 2012

Murder Margaret Wrote (Part 2)!

Good evening!

Issue 174 of The Dolls' House magazine has been on the shelves for a little while now, and it features the second instalment of the murder mystery I mentioned a couple of posts ago!
The second part required the highlighting of more details from the text, so I opted for a poisoned needle, bottle of evil poison and an LAPD badge (which, if you have a look in the magazine itself, was very detailed). It was necessary for me to look very closely at the detail on an LAPD crest and I realised quickly that I had previously had no idea how much detail it contained. I recommend looking one up if you have a moment, they're very interesting!
 I'm thrilled to say that not only is there another part of the story to appear here soon but I have another commission to work on for the following issue! Very exciting. I adore editorial commissions in general, and this one is slightly different because I haven't had a sneaky peek at the article it accompanies yet! So watch out for more news in a month or so.


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