Good afternoon!
This is an image I created recently as part of a collaboration with a group of illustrators involved in the Waterstones competition, which I entered earlier in the year.
The story is starting to centre around a character called the Mufferlump- I say 'starting to', because each illustrator can only work from the last image provided. Each page also needs to rhyme with the one before it, so the story is unfolding unpredictably! My image is only page four, as I am at the top of the list, so it will be exciting to see where the story goes from here!
It was rather challenging drawing a character from someone else's visualisation, as the creature has very specific markings, but I would like to think I was able to inject a little of my personal style into the page.
Watch this space for narrative roughs, leprechaun faces and news of a fledgling collaborative design venture!